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BETA Croatian-English translation for: Crime and Punishment
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Dictionary Croatian English: Crime and Punishment

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

lit. F Zločin i kaznaCrime and Punishment [Fyodor Dostoyevsky]
Partial Matches
kazna {f}punishment
kažnjavanje {n}punishment
pravo smrtna kazna {f}capital punishment
kriminal {m}crime
kriminalitet {m}crime
zločin {m}crime
mjesto {n} zločinacrime scene
poprište {n} zločinacrime scene
pravo voj. ratni zločin {m}war crime
i {conj}and
Unverified živ i zdrav {adj}alive and kicking
i tako dalje <itd.>and so on
zem. Bosna i HercegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina
idiom podijeli pa vladajdivide and conquer
idiom podijeli pa vladajdivide and rule
od vremena do vremena {adv}now and then
Unverified živ i zdrav {adj}safe and sound
jednom za svagdaonce and for all
jednom zauvijekonce and for all
idiom kroz sito i rešetothrough thick and thin
TV F MućkeOnly Fools and Horses
Ako piješ, ne vozi!Don't drink and drive!
Unverified Jedi govna i crkni! [vulg.]Eat shit and die! [vulg.]
tehn. kogeneracija {f}combined heat and power <CHP>
agencija {f} za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanjamonopolies and mergers commission [Br.]
nov. Hrvatska izvještajna novinska agencija {f} <Hina>Croatian News and Press Agency
lit. F Ivica i MaricaHansel and Gretel [Brothers Grimm]
lit. F Ponos i predrasudePride and Prejudice [Jane Austen]
lit. F Razum i osjećajiSense and Sensibility [Jane Austen]
TV F Dva i pol muškarcaTwo and a Half Men
među nama rečeno {adv}between you and me [told in confidence]
obraz. Fakultet {m} strojarstva i brodogradnje <FSB>Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
idiom Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata!Speak of the devil and he doth appear!
lit. F Starac i moreThe Old Man and the Sea [Ernest Hemingway]
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