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Dictionary Croatian English: Drake 'a

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Partial Matches
kao {conj}like a
malo {adv}a little
mnogo {adv}a lot
mogući {adj}a possible
nekoliko {adv}a few
Unverified poput {conj}like a
puki {adj}a mere
puno {adv}a lot
niza series of
puno {adv}a lot of
prom. autocesta {f} <A>freeway [Am.]
a kamolilet alone
nukl. oruž. Unverified atomska bomba {f}A-bomb
najedanput {adv}all of a sudden
najednom {adv}all of a sudden
nakratko {adv}for a short time
odjednom {adv}all of a sudden
prošetati [sv.]to take a walk
foto. snimati [nesv.]to take a photograph
foto. snimiti [sv.]to take a photograph
prom. autocesta {f} <A>motorway [Br.] <M>
odjeća Unverified tajice {pl}a pair of leggings
Kakva šteta!What a pity!
kao dijete {adv}as a child
Koja šteta!What a pity!
Unverified petnaest doa quarter to
prava štetaa real pity
Prava šteta!What a pity!
Saberi se!Get a grip!
za promjenu {adv}for a change
foto. fotografirati [sv./nesv.]to take a photograph
foto. slikati [nesv.] [razg.]to take a photograph
Unverified cmok {m} [razg.]smack (of a kiss)
Unverified i kvarat [reg.]a quarter past
Unverified kvarat do [reg.]a quarter to
izgledati kao [nesv.]to look like (a)
Unverified izgledati poput [nesv.]to look like (a)
počiniti grijeh [sv.]to commit a sin
Unverified polagati ispit [nesv.]to take a test
prekršiti obećanje [sv.]to break a promise
prošetati se [sv.]to take a walk
šetati se [nesv.]to take a walk
učlaniti se [sv.]to become a member
čaša {f} vodea glass of water
Unverified pitanje {n} vremenaa question of time
prozorsko krilo {n}wing of a window
tračak {m} nadea glimmer of hope
razbjesnjeti se [sv.]to fall into a rage
okno {n} [zast.] [prozorsko krilo]wing of a window
Unverified u širem smislu {adv}in a / the broad sense
poslije Krista <po. Kr.>Anno Domini <AD, A.D.>
Čuvati na suhom mjestu.Keep in a dry place.
TV F Dva i pol muškarcaTwo and a Half Men
Unverified praznik {m} za oko [pren.]a sight for sore eyes [fig.]
film F Pomalo nježan muškaracA Somewhat Gentle Man [Hans Petter Moland]
Unverified potući se s nekim [sv.]to have a fight with sb. [physically]
posl. Svaka ptica svome jatu leti.Birds of a feather flock together.
posl. Jedna lasta ne čini proljeće.One swallow doesn't make a summer.
film kazal. F Tramvaj zvan čežnjaA Streetcar Named Desire [Tennessee Williams, film: Elia Kazan]
film lit. F Ubiti pticu rugalicuTo Kill a Mockingbird [novel: Harper Lee, film: Robert Mulligan]
idiom Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata!Speak of the devil and he doth appear!
kučkin sin {m} [vulg.] [pog.]son of a bitch [vulg.] [pej.]
kurvin sin {m} [vulg.] [pog.]son of a bitch [vulg.] [pej.]
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