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Englesko-hrvatski rječnik

BETA Croatian-English translation for: Rumour has it that
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Dictionary Croatian English: Rumour has it that

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

Keywords contained
Unverified Šuška se da ... [pren.]Rumour has it (that) ... [Br.]
Partial Matches
To je to!That's it!
glasina {f}rumour [Br.]
da {conj}that
ta {pron}that
taj {pron}that
to {pron}that
nakon togaafter that
poslije togaafter that
prije togabefore that
Ne gledaj me tako.Don't give me that look.
ono {pron}it
to {pron}it
Unverified Ostavi to!Drop it!
Prestani!Stop it!
idiom Skrati priču!Cut it short!
Sviđa mi se.I like it.
Tko je?Who is it?
to jeit's [it is]
Moja pogreška!It's my fault.
Ja sam na redu.It's my turn.
Ti si na redu.It's your turn.
Prestani!Knock it off! [coll.]
Kako je prošlo?How did it go?
Koliko je sati?What time is it?
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