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BETA Croatian-English translation for: s\'kursehem
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Dictionary Croatian English: s 'kursehem

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Partial Matches
kem. sumpor {m} <S>sulfur <S> [Am.]
kem. sumpor {m} <S>sulphur <S> [Br.]
psih. sadomazohizam {m} <SM>sadomasochism <S&M, SM, S/M>
s {prep}with
s ponosomproudly
Unverified s obzirom dasince
odjeća majica {f} s kapuljačomhoodie
sjever {m} <S>north <N>
jug {m} <J>south <S>
alati kutija {f} s alatomtoolbox
Hajdemo!Let's go!
Idemo!Let's go!
S poštovanjemSincerely yours
s vremenom {adv}with time
s tobom {adv}with you
S poštovanjemYours faithfully
Valentinovo {n}Valentine's Day
to jeit's [it is]
To je to!That's it!
početnička sreća {f}beginner's luck
mladenkin otac {m}bride's father
lit. nakl. dječja knjiga {f}children's book
prehr. Unverified kravlje mlijeko {n}cow's milk
kemijska čistionica {f}dry cleaner's
kulin. lovački umak {m}hunter's sauce
majčino mlijeko {n}mother's milk
kulin. umak {m} s gljivamamushroom sauce
mitol. Pandorina kutija {f}Pandora's box
prehr. Unverified flips {m} s kikirikijempeanut puffs
kulin. naut. zanim. brodski kuhar {m}ship's cook
kulin. varivo {n} s povrćemvegetable stew
zimska hladnoća {f}winter's cold
Šta ima? [razg.]What's up?
med. Alzheimerova bolest {f}Alzheimer's disease <AD>
lit. nakl. dječja knjiga {f}kid's book [coll.]
muški zahod {m}men's restroom [Am.]
Unverified odnosi {pl} s javnošćupublic relations {pl} <PR>
ženski zahod {m}women's restroom [Am.]
Moja pogreška!It's my fault.
novogodišnje odluke {pl}New Year's resolutions {pl}
starački dom {m}old people's home
s vremenom {adv}in time [with time, gradually]
Kako je on?How's he doing?
s druge strane {adv}on the other hand
Unverified godina {f} smrtiyear of (someone's) death
godina {f} životayear of one's life
film F Ničija budalaNobody's Fool [Robert Benton]
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
Šta ima? [razg.]What's up? [Am.] [coll.]
kulin. varivo {n} s povrćemboiled dinner [Am.] [vegetable stew]
zem. Sjedinjene Države {pl} <SAD>United States <US, U.S.>
Ja sam na redu.It's my turn.
Ti si na redu.It's your turn.
idiom U čemu je kvaka?What's the catch?
Kako se zoveš?What's your name? [informal]
Unverified s vremena na vrijeme {adv}from time to time
s desne strane {adv}on the right-hand side
lit. F Otok s blagomTreasure Island [Robert Louis Stevenson]
zool. Unverified čovjekov najbolji prijatelj {m} [razg.] [pas]man's best friend [coll.] [dog]
Unverified potući se s nekim [sv.]to have a fight with sb. [physically]
film F Let iznad kukavičjeg gnijezdaOne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest [Miloš Forman]
zool. T
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