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BETA Croatian-English translation for: water-to-air
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Dictionary Croatian English: water to air

Translation 1 - 60 of 60

Keywords contained
tehn. dizalica {f} topline zrak-vodaair-to-water heat pump
tehn. dizalica {f} topline voda-zrakwater-to-air heat pump
Partial Matches
tehn. dizalica {f} topline zrak-zrakair-to-air heat pump
tehn. dizalica {f} topline voda-vodawater-to-water heat pump
TV emitirati [sv./nesv.]to air
zrak {m}air
voj. zračni napad {m}air strike
avij. zračni promet {m}air traffic
stroj. komprimirani zrak {m}compressed air
muzej {m} na otvorenomopen-air museum
avij. kontrola {f} zračne plovidbe <KZP>air traffic control <ATC>
avij. kontrola {f} zračnog prometa <KZP>air traffic control <ATC>
zalijevati [nesv.]to water
zaliti [sv.]to water
voda {f}water
mineralna {f} [razg.]mineral water
mineralna voda {f}mineral water
tekuća voda {f}running water
vodomjer {m}water meter
vodovodna cijev {f}water pipe
vodotoranj {m}water tower
bot. T
bot. T
prirodna izvorska voda {f}natural spring water
čaša {f} vodea glass of water
posl. Krv nije voda.Blood is thicker than water.
negazirana mineralna voda {f}still water [esp. Br.] [non-carbonated mineral water]
do {prep}to
prema {prep}according to
Unverified blizu {prep}close to
od ... dofrom ... to
blizu {prep}near to
Unverified u blizininear to
kraj {prep}next to
pored {prep}next to
nasuprot {prep}opposite to
zahvaljujući {adv}thanks to
pripasti [sv.]to fall to
morati [nesv.]to have to
poslušati [sv.]to listen to
Unverified težiti kato tend to
Unverified kvarat do [reg.]a quarter to
Unverified petnaest doa quarter to
za razliku od {prep}in opposition to
da biin order to
kako biin order to
takoreći {adv}so to speak
radovati se čemuto look forward to sth.
veseliti se čemuto look forward to sth.
od vremena do vremena {adv}from time to time
Unverified s vremena na vrijeme {adv}from time to time
Drago mi je.Pleased to meet you.
Također.The same to you.
Moramo razgovarati.We need to talk.
Unverified od glave do pete {adv} [razg.]from head to toe [coll.]
Drago mi je.I'm pleased to meet you.
Unverified Gdje ide ovaj put?Where does this road go to?
od kolijevke do groba {adv} [pren.]from the cradle to the grave [idiom]
posl. Tko čeka, taj dočeka.Good things come to those who wait.
film lit. F Ubiti pticu rugalicuTo Kill a Mockingbird [novel: Harper Lee, film: Robert Mulligan]
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